Name | Affiliation | Specialization | Keynote Speaker |
Fei Peng | Professor, Materials Science and Engineering Department, Clemson University | Oxide ceramics, laser additive manufacturing, machine learning | |
Prof. Vladan Stevanovic | Colorado Mines | High-throughput defect calculations | Keynote Speaker |
Prof. Vojtech Vleck | UCSB | Neural networks for quantum many-body simulations | |
Prof. Geoffroy Hautier | Dartmouth | High-throughput defects for quantum computing with the Materials Project | Keynote speaker |
Prof. Vikram Gavini | U Michigan Ann Arbor | Machine learning DFT exchange and correlation functionals | Keynote Speaker |
Oliver Schulz | Staff Scientist, Max Planck Institute, Munich, Germany | Particle and nuclear physics, machine learning | |
Qi An | Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, Iowa State University | Machine learning in materials research | |
Debswapna Bhattacharya | Associate Professor, Computer Science, Virginia Tech | Machine learning | |
Patrick Johnson | Iowa State | AI for laser-induced graphene production | |
Chenxu Yu | Iowa State University | AI/ML aided assesment of nanoplastics in agricultural and biological systems | |
Arunima Singh | Arzonia State University | Data-Driven Discovery and Design of Materials Surfaces and Interfaces | |
Jonathan Claussen | Iowa State University | Data-Driven Materials Discovery for nonao biosensors | |
Lars Kotthoff | University of Wyoming | ||
Chiho Kim | Georgia Tech | Polymers & Formulations Informatics: Recent Developments & Critical Next Steps | |
Feliciano Giustino | University of Texas at Austin | High-throughput calculations of carrier transport in semiconductors | |
Konstantin Matchev | University of Alabama | AI in Particle and Nuclear Phsyics | |
Tingting Yan | Texas tech University | AI in Supply Chian | |
Amir Barati Farimani | Carnegie Mellon University | The Role of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Machine Learning in Materials Research | |
Sandeep Shah | Amazon | ||
Kate Moore | MIT | Education for K-12 | |
Caide Xiao | Canada | Education and Outreach Training in AI | |
Dongming Mei | University of South Dakota | Workshop goals and Objectives |